Source code for pygbm.loss

This module contains the loss classes.

Specific losses are used for regression, binary classification or multiclass
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from scipy.special import expit, logsumexp
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange

from .utils import get_threads_chunks

def _logsumexp(a):
    """logsumexp(x) = log(sum(exp(x)))

    Custom logsumexp function with numerical stability, based on scipy's
    logsumexp which is unfortunately not supported (neither is
    np.logaddexp.reduce, which is equivalent). Only supports 1d arrays.

    a_max = np.amax(a)
    if not np.isfinite(a_max):
        a_max = 0

    s = np.sum(np.exp(a - a_max))
    return np.log(s) + a_max

def _expit(x):
    # custom sigmoid because we cannot use that of scipy with numba
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

class BaseLoss(ABC):
    """Base class for a loss."""

    def init_gradients_and_hessians(self, n_samples, prediction_dim):
        """Return initial gradients and hessians.

        Unless hessians are constant, arrays are initialized with undefined

        n_samples : int
            The number of samples passed to `fit()`
        prediction_dim : int
            The dimension of a raw prediction, i.e. the number of trees
            built at each iteration. Equals 1 for regression and binary
            classification, or K where K is the number of classes for
            multiclass classification.

        gradients : array-like, shape=(n_samples * prediction_dim)
        hessians : array-like, shape=(n_samples * prediction_dim).
            If hessians are constant (e.g. for ``LeastSquares`` loss, shape
            is (1,) and the array is initialized to ``1``.
        shape = n_samples * prediction_dim
        gradients = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np.float32)
        if self.hessian_is_constant:
            hessians = np.ones(shape=1, dtype=np.float32)
            hessians = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np.float32)

        return gradients, hessians

    def get_baseline_prediction(self, y_train, prediction_dim):
        """Return initial predictions (before the first iteration).

        y_train : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
            The target training values.
        prediction_dim : int
            The dimension of one prediction: 1 for binary classification and
            regression, n_classes for multiclass classification.

        baseline_prediction: float or array of shape (1, prediction_dim)
            The baseline prediction.

    def update_gradients_and_hessians(self, gradients, hessians, y_true,
        """Update gradients and hessians arrays, inplace.

        The gradients (resp. hessians) are the first (resp. second) order
        derivatives of the loss for each sample with respect to the
        predictions of model, evaluated at iteration ``i - 1``.

        gradients : array-like, shape=(n_samples * prediction_dim)
            The gradients (treated as OUT array).
        hessians : array-like, shape=(n_samples * prediction_dim) or \
            The hessians (treated as OUT array).
        y_true : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
            The true target values or each training sample.
        raw_predictions : array-like, shape=(n_samples, prediction_dim)
            The raw_predictions (i.e. values from the trees) of the tree
            ensemble at iteration ``i - 1``.

[docs]class LeastSquares(BaseLoss): """Least squares loss, for regression. For a given sample x_i, least squares loss is defined as:: loss(x_i) = (y_true_i - raw_pred_i)**2 """ hessian_is_constant = True def __call__(self, y_true, raw_predictions, average=True): # shape (n_samples, 1) --> (n_samples,). reshape(-1) is more likely to # return a view. raw_predictions = raw_predictions.reshape(-1) loss = np.power(y_true - raw_predictions, 2) return loss.mean() if average else loss
[docs] def get_baseline_prediction(self, y_train, prediction_dim): return np.mean(y_train)
def inverse_link_function(self, raw_predictions): return raw_predictions
[docs] def update_gradients_and_hessians(self, gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions): return _update_gradients_least_squares(gradients, y_true, raw_predictions)
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True) def _update_gradients_least_squares(gradients, y_true, raw_predictions): # shape (n_samples, 1) --> (n_samples,). reshape(-1) is more likely to # return a view. raw_predictions = raw_predictions.reshape(-1) n_samples = raw_predictions.shape[0] starts, ends, n_threads = get_threads_chunks(total_size=n_samples) for thread_idx in prange(n_threads): for i in range(starts[thread_idx], ends[thread_idx]): # Note: a more correct exp is 2 * (raw_predictions - y_true) but # since we use 1 for the constant hessian value (and not 2) this # is strictly equivalent for the leaves values. gradients[i] = raw_predictions[i] - y_true[i]
[docs]class BinaryCrossEntropy(BaseLoss): """Binary cross-entropy loss, for binary classification. For a given sample x_i, the binary cross-entropy loss is defined as the negative log-likelihood of the model which can be expressed as:: loss(x_i) = log(1 + exp(raw_pred_i)) - y_true_i * raw_pred_i See The Elements of Statistical Learning, by Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman. """ hessian_is_constant = False inverse_link_function = staticmethod(expit) def __call__(self, y_true, raw_predictions, average=True): # shape (n_samples, 1) --> (n_samples,). reshape(-1) is more likely to # return a view. raw_predictions = raw_predictions.reshape(-1) # logaddexp(0, x) = log(1 + exp(x)) loss = np.logaddexp(0, raw_predictions) - y_true * raw_predictions return loss.mean() if average else loss
[docs] def get_baseline_prediction(self, y_train, prediction_dim): proba_positive_class = np.mean(y_train) eps = np.finfo(y_train.dtype).eps proba_positive_class = np.clip(proba_positive_class, eps, 1 - eps) # log(x / 1 - x) is the anti function of sigmoid, or the link function # of the Binomial model. return np.log(proba_positive_class / (1 - proba_positive_class))
[docs] def update_gradients_and_hessians(self, gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions): return _update_gradients_hessians_binary_crossentropy( gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions)
def predict_proba(self, raw_predictions): # shape (n_samples, 1) --> (n_samples,). reshape(-1) is more likely to # return a view. raw_predictions = raw_predictions.reshape(-1) proba = np.empty((raw_predictions.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.float32) proba[:, 1] = expit(raw_predictions) proba[:, 0] = 1 - proba[:, 1] return proba
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True) def _update_gradients_hessians_binary_crossentropy(gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions): # Note: using LightGBM version (first mapping {0, 1} into {-1, 1}) # will cause overflow issues in the exponential as we're using float32 # precision. # shape (n_samples, 1) --> (n_samples,). reshape(-1) is more likely to # return a view. raw_predictions = raw_predictions.reshape(-1) n_samples = raw_predictions.shape[0] starts, ends, n_threads = get_threads_chunks(total_size=n_samples) for thread_idx in prange(n_threads): for i in range(starts[thread_idx], ends[thread_idx]): gradients[i] = _expit(raw_predictions[i]) - y_true[i] gradient_abs = np.abs(gradients[i]) hessians[i] = gradient_abs * (1. - gradient_abs)
[docs]class CategoricalCrossEntropy(BaseLoss): """Categorical cross-entropy loss, for multiclass classification. For a given sample x_i, the categorical cross-entropy loss is defined as the negative log-likelihood of the model and generalizes the binary cross-entropy to more than 2 classes. """ hessian_is_constant = False def __call__(self, y_true, raw_predictions, average=True): one_hot_true = np.zeros_like(raw_predictions) prediction_dim = raw_predictions.shape[1] for k in range(prediction_dim): one_hot_true[:, k] = (y_true == k) return (logsumexp(raw_predictions, axis=1) - (one_hot_true * raw_predictions).sum(axis=1))
[docs] def get_baseline_prediction(self, y_train, prediction_dim): init_value = np.zeros( shape=(1, prediction_dim), dtype=np.float32 ) eps = np.finfo(y_train.dtype).eps for k in range(prediction_dim): proba_kth_class = np.mean(y_train == k) proba_kth_class = np.clip(proba_kth_class, eps, 1 - eps) init_value[:, k] += np.log(proba_kth_class) return init_value
[docs] def update_gradients_and_hessians(self, gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions): return _update_gradients_hessians_categorical_crossentropy( gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions)
def predict_proba(self, raw_predictions): # TODO: This could be done in parallel # compute softmax (using exp(log(softmax))) return np.exp(raw_predictions - logsumexp(raw_predictions, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])
@njit(parallel=True) def _update_gradients_hessians_categorical_crossentropy( gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions): # Here gradients and hessians are of shape # (n_samples * prediction_dim,). # y_true is of shape (n_samples,). # raw_predictions is of shape (n_samples, raw_predictions) # # Instead of passing the whole gradients and hessians arrays and slicing # them here, we could instead do the update in the 'for k in ...' loop of # fit(), by passing gradients_at_k and hessians_at_k which are of size # (n_samples,). # That would however require to pass a copy of raw_predictions, so it does # not get partially overwritten at the end of the loop when # _update_y_pred() is called (see sklearn PR 12715) n_samples, prediction_dim = raw_predictions.shape starts, ends, n_threads = get_threads_chunks(total_size=n_samples) for k in range(prediction_dim): gradients_at_k = gradients[n_samples * k:n_samples * (k + 1)] hessians_at_k = hessians[n_samples * k:n_samples * (k + 1)] for thread_idx in prange(n_threads): for i in range(starts[thread_idx], ends[thread_idx]): # p_k is the probability that class(ith sample) == k. # This is a regular softmax. p_k = np.exp(raw_predictions[i, k] - _logsumexp(raw_predictions[i, :])) gradients_at_k[i] = p_k - (y_true[i] == k) hessians_at_k[i] = p_k * (1. - p_k) # LightGBM uses 2 * p_k * (1 - p_k) which is not stricly # correct but equivalent to using half the learning rate. _LOSSES = {'least_squares': LeastSquares, 'binary_crossentropy': BinaryCrossEntropy, 'categorical_crossentropy': CategoricalCrossEntropy}